Sunday, April 05, 2009

Prime Evil

Sometimes I bring it on myself - for unknown reasons will become so stuck into something of such little merit, whether artistic, political or entertainment, that I feel compelled to defend it to the hilt against all-comers, however valid their complaints.

Which brings me neatly on to Primeval. It's still difficult to believe that this has made it to three seasons given its quite breathtaking one-two punch of looking very cheap while no doubt costing a packet and its cast, a very byword for mediocrity - one S-clubber, Douglas Henshall and a succession of identikit female villains/love-interests/enigmatic government agents that make following the pretty straightforward stories surprisingly difficult.

It's tricky to pick out anything directly in its favour, but perhaps the thing that appeals to me is a sense of development at its core that comes close to intelligence. Though several light-years behind Dr Who there is at least an attempt at story-telling in a longer term sense and plot arc development which, though woefully anticlimactic last season (the big bad of which was an acne-ridden junior civil servant as far as I could make out) is, on the basis of season 3's opener, once again teasing with potential. Either that or the fact that they have really cool guns in it.

Christ, I honestly don't know why I'm getting so worked up about such a hollow, underwhelming show. The sad thing is its


Blogger Mark Clapham said...

I'm going to take a wild guess and say you were going to end that with "... better than Robin Hood."

I saw the second half of last night's. Jason Flemyng was trying to act for the entire cast, which was nice of him I thought.

3:26 AM

Blogger Unknown said...

"One byword for mediocrity"
Douglas Henshall is a brilliant actor. In spite of not being conventionally good-looking, he has a strong charisma and shines through the screen.
As for Hannah Spearritt, whatever her merit as a singer, she's a lovely girl who brings freshness and punk to the series.
I guess opinons on acting must really diverge for I for one found Jason Flemyng awful. Flemying does not articulate and played his uninteresting character (the hackneyed cop with a revenge)very blandly. I think he may be the first casting mistake the Primeval Team has made.

4:35 PM

Blogger Steve Lavington said...

Whatever Douglas Henshall's merits I reckon he's pretty much miscast here. He does mope very well, but doesn't convince as an Indiana Jones style-figure. The fact that Sam Neil is a more effective action-hero paleantologist (sorry, not checked my spelling) speaks volumes.

I was a bit harsh on Hannah. She is probably the best thing about the regular cast and the S-Club thing was a cheap shot. I am, however, a cheap person.

Jason Flemying is (and I am choking down a world of bile to say this) an actor with a degree of class about him - something you can see patchily in League of Extraordinary Gentlemen and pretty much in spades through that last episode. Bit of a coup for Primeval that I'd say.

On the plus side that was one of the better episodes I've seen - even if it was such a rip-off in style it might as well have been titled "Wink"

1:22 AM


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