Monday, November 19, 2007

Bloated and nauseous

Ever the early adopter I've managed to give myself the whole Christmas feeling of over-indulgence a good few weeks before the day itself. I blame Microsoft for this. If my Xbox hadn't given out just as this years last batch of big name titles hit the shelves then I wouldn't have felt so deprived and desperate to catch up when the console returned from the menders.

As it is I found myself buying Call of Duty 4 yesterday which joins the pile of barely-touched Orange Box and nearly-done Halo 3. I managed to clear Bioshock on Saturday after a bit of a heavy stint of playing that left me sick and unable to focus properly. I'm getting too old for this shit.

I'm also feeling a bit spoiled by the rich fare of quality FPS. I've put quite a bit of time into Portal, but Half-Life has remained largely untouched. The same is true of the Halo multiplayer, which is going to face stiff competition from Call of Duty if the finished game lives up to the promise of the multiplayer beta.

It's all rather too much for a simple palate such as mine. I'm not sure what the videogame equivalent of gout is but I fear the next few weeks will see me laid low with it.


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