Thursday, May 17, 2007

So much time-wasting, so little time

Sadly my days are largely dominated by revision at present, so little enough time to spend on games, movies and the like - let alone blogging about them.

A brief synopsis, wasted well over two precious hours of life on the execrable Spiderman 3 - a real disappointment of expectations. Vastly more time has been jizzed away on Crackdown and Puzzlequest to much greater enjoyment. Have also - through the former - got access to the Halo 3 beta, though first impressions have been pretty luke-warm owing to being 'pwned' like the 'n00b' I am. There's something off-putting about a game that's SO hardcore as to be exclusive of anyone not to have clocked in a good few hours (by which I mean hundreds of hours) of play. It sounds like sour grapes and, to a large extent, it is but it's difficult to get enthused about a game when most of your time in it is spent watching the camera circle around your avatar's fresh corpse.

Quick DVD round-up: Thank you for Smoking = Yay (for first hour, then nay); Boiler Room = Yay (though not as much so as when I first saw it); French Connection (always Yay); Wall Street (ditto).

Oh, and some exclusive breaking news. Heroes is good.


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