Monday, April 23, 2007

Fighting through the pain barrier

A little rich of me using this title considering a friend ran the London marathon yesterday but it's been a bugger of a week and am starting to see a glimmer of light at the end of the tunnel (or at least this particular tunnel - another one starts shortly afterward).

Am please to report that the pain in question has NOTHING to do withh Puzzle Quest which I am ROCKING LIKE A MO-FO. Have also found time to put a bit of 'work' into Animal Crossing where I've almost scraped together enough bells to get that raccoon bastard Nook off my back. Finally (and foolishly) splashed out on Crackdown which has proved to be quite a laugh, though a bit too unstructured for long term interest. Reckon I'll hold onto it til the Halo beta at least.

Indeed, haven't really been hooked by any 360 title though I keep promising myself I'll go back to Dead Rising and Oblivion, and have the occasional pang for GRAW. Was disheartened by the news that Mass Effect's been delayed because I was counting on it to be the final bullet-to-the-head of my social life.


Blogger Mark Clapham said...

'Rocking' on Puzzle Quest? Clearly a harsh schooling is needed to show you how little down the path to enlightenment you have travelled...

2:49 PM


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