Saturday, September 16, 2006


This looks rather exciting. Previously I'd been pretty lukewarm towards the Wii,but this attitude is - unsurprisingly - beginning to change.

In other news Dead Rising has almost justified itself. It's not an easy game, and the temptation is strong just to dick around. There's an emphasis on tricky escort missions that's rather off-putting but it's very well executed and my initial criticism of the graphics turns out to have been unfounded.


Blogger Mark Clapham said...

This evening I encountered the chainsaw-juggling clown. That wasn't nice.


1:55 PM

Blogger Steve Lavington said...

The Fear! The Fear! I got bogged down as felt bad about all the people dying because I couldn't be arsed to save them. Have decided now to press on with the story campaign until unable to proceed due to level deficiency then restart. Am actually becoming a fan of the idea of being limited to one save game but allowed to carry XP over to new games.

1:53 PM

Blogger Mark Clapham said...

Having cracked Case 1 I'm currently committed to sticking with the story mode without any restarts, if possible. However, I'm finding it hard to kill time before Case 2 without getting myself, well, killed.

As to the civilians, I feel bad about the girl in the park, but no way am I messing with those f***ers until I've got serious ordnance to fall back on.


12:40 PM


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