[BLANKS] On a Plane
Weak! My posts have been poor. Here's an update to make up for it.
ITEM - Having been deprived of my DS for a week things are settling back to normal. Nintendog Bauer has been walked and washed and my Animal Crossing avatar has spent the last few days weeding and watering his town back to a degree of civic beauty. Still got to catch up with my brain training but otherwise things are ticking along nicely.
ITEM - In the wake of the Baron's conversion to Xbox picked up a copy of Far Cry Predator to get acquainted before the inevitable kill-fest, which took place last night. It's a nice little FPS, but I'm still too hooked on Battlefield 2 to really appreciate the single player narrative driven sort of shooter just yet. Mind you, haven't unlocked the 'feral powers' part of the game, though having experimented with it in multiplayer this might drastically change the feel of the game. Descending from the skies like an angel of doom and ripping out the Baron's spine certainly made for an enjoyable afternoon.
ITEM - Snakes on a Plane not terrible if you go in, as I did, with rock-bottom expectations. Not great either mind, but at least the producers/director have got the right balance of deadpan and tongue-in-cheek.
One thing I'd like to do is a DVD update of my last month or so on Lovefilm. It will bore the pants off anyone who may read it but for my reference would be very useful.
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