Thursday, June 28, 2007


Exams followed by interviews! Will the agony never end. Hopefully some more exciting service will resume soon.

Monday, June 25, 2007

The light at the end of the tunnel

It's just as well no-one else reads this, or there will have been some disappointed people on the internet over the last two months. Still, exams have been packed away (for a year at any rate) and once I get a couple of pesky interviews done and done, the way should be clear for a return to the vital trivialities.

And also, hopefully, some decent films. I did the hattrick of pisspoor trilogies on Thursday when Oceans 13 was the entertainment for the evening. This is just getting silly now, and does not bode at all well for Live Free or Die Hard, which I've been righteously preparing for with the Die Hard Box Set (£10 - CHEAP!!)