Friday, May 12, 2006

Passing fancies

I've not been following E3 terribly closely, but have been quietly amused by the extreme scepticism shown towards Sony and the PS3. On the one hand UK Resistance pointed out certain disparities between early claims Sony made about the PS3 and the reality. On the other, Kotaku suggest some bandwagon-jumping on Sony's part with regard to the Wii's motion sensitive controller. I'm sure there's a raging flame-war somewhere on the internet, but as far as I'm concerned this just goes to justify my Xbox purchase - sad and insecure man that I am.

This was bolstered by news that MGS4 and GTA4 will be released on Xbox and PS3. In addition there was news of Just Cause, a game that conjured memories of playing Flames of Freedom on my Amiga. Along with PSP MGS, various zombie games as enthused over by the Baron and the Lost Planet demo released for download on xbox Live (oh, and Halo 3 too) there's been such a tidal wave of games stories that I'm sure I've missed some good stuff. Nevertheless, plenty to keep me indoors during these summer months.


Blogger Mark Clapham said...

Go 'Resident Wiivil'!

Did you see about the Guillermo Del Toro zombie apocalypse game as well? Just too much good stuff.

Wonder what happened to the Romero-related zombie games announced a while back? Hmmm


11:05 AM


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