Bit quiet over the last few days on account of a visit back to the West Country and associated day at the races.

The horse in front is the one we wanted to win. Sadly, on the second and final time round the circuit, it was just pipped at the post. Most annoying.
Anyway, perfect way of spending a sunny bank holiday was trying out the xbox's multiplayer support, at least multiplayer in the sense of running two controllers off one console. In brief GWAR is great and Blazing Angels rubbish. GWAR's technical single-player mode becomes a fun FPS. There's less finesse to the controls - no hugging walls for cover - but there's no drop-off in graphics and the level design is polished, though designed for rather more than two players. Coop mode is also great fun, though really comes into its own once inifinite respawns have been turned on. However multiplayer on xbox is really geared towards online play and sadly I've still not had much luck with this... To Be Continued.
Oh, and Blazing Angels really does get worse every time I play it - I see a trip to Computer Exchange in my future.
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