Friday, February 17, 2006


For some reason I've found myself in a gaming hiatus, partially due to my aforementioned xbox problems, partially due to the loan of my sole PS2 memory card for the greater good of British culture and partially due to my being too busy to buy any new games. However, in the sporadic moments when I've revived my xbox from the dead I've been getting stuck back into Crimson Skies. It's a cracking little game and most importantly creates a beautifully immersive world of its own. Makes me curious why no sequel has ever emerged, especially given its warm reception and much praise heaped on multiplayer functionality (something that, being a johnny no-mates I've never really tried out). The latter factor, and Microsoft's apparent reliance on xbox live for its 360 console makes me think some new development should really be in the pipeline. If something did crop up that would smash my diminishing resistance to the 360 - since my last post on the subject I've experienced one of my trademark changes of heart.

Sad thing is, this is basically a childish *need* for new toys. There's no reason to get an xbox 360 - in fact, as this great post argues, there are plenty of reasons not to buy one. Oh well, perhaps I should just think of it as doing my bit for the British economy.


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