
A hectic workload and neurotic fear of the outside world has kept me away from external gatherings more threatening than a few pints of lager over the last couple of weeks but I was finally tempted out today to experience (enjoy is definiteyl not the right word) the delights of Doom set to join the ranks of Super Mario Bros, Tomb Raider, Mortal Kombat and Streetfighter in the hall of waste of time cinema adaptations of video games. (Resident Evil and Resident Evil Apocalypse are naturally excluded for being brillliant).

Of course in no way was I motivated by the presence of the lovely, lovely Rosamund Pike. Which is just as well cos she was rubbish. Also rubbish was Karl "man of many accents" Urban and, disappointingly, The Rock. The presence of former Gamesmaster host Dexter Fletcher was, sadly, too little too late.
The film itself failed to live down to expectations but in a sense this added insult to injury; it wasn't even enjoyably bad (cf Alien vs. Predator) and lumbered with a middle-section consisting of the cast running from point A to point B, then to Point C then back to Point A again was actually boring. Similarly pedestrian was the script and the bog-standard Aliens style sets and shots save a 1st person point of view sequence towards the end, which was more fun than it really should have been..
Disappointing tosh. Wake me up for Command & Conquer The Movie.
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