The Shame

I'm not happy with pub quizes. Every time I get caught up in the flow and competition and hurl out pearls of indignity. Yesterday's effort was particularly ripe. As if spelling out Sk8er Boi and wrongly attributing soul classics to Guns 'n' Roses weren't enough, powerful indignity was wrought in the film round. Of course, this was far from simple shame, rather arising from an excess of knowledge and booze related over-confidence. The *best* I can do is quote from an email to a friend:
"Incidentally, is Wonder Woman's alter ego officially 'Diana Price' [sic] or is that just the TV series? Pub quiz tonight and I nearly created a *scene* as the answer I put down was 'Diana'. Was considering 'of Themiscara' but backed down at the last minute. Ultimately the shame from correctly identifying that Superman turns up in all Seinfeld episodes nearly destroyed me. I decided to quit while I was ahead."
Jolly good stuff. Consoling factors; we won (Justice! Beautiful, sweet, tender justice!) and it was all for charity. So all is, ultimately, fine. Incidentally, the Boston Celtics have won the most NBA championships and Taipei 101, Taipei, Taiwan is (currently) the world's tallest building.
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